Welcome to Canto
Canto is an online Curation tool to enable researchers to curate genetic and molecular data from their publications for data sharing. Originally created for the fission yeast community, Canto is configurable for use with other species. Questions? Contact the Canto team...

Canto in Use
- Visit... PomBase: Curate GO, phenotypes, interactions, protein modifications for Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast)
- Visit ... PHI-base: Extended version (PHI-Canto) to enable the curation of multiple strains, and multispecies genotypes (metagenotypes) and phenotypes.
- FlyBase: Extended and configured to support Drosophila phenotype and genetic interactions.
- Visit... JaponicusDB: Curate GO, phenotypes, interactions, protein modifications for Schizosaccharomyces japonicus (a fission yeast)
- SEA-PHAGES: use Canto as part of a discovery-based undergraduate research course (Ivan Erril, UMBC)
- Visit... Generic Gene Ontology Implementation: Curate GO annotations for proteins, using UniProtKB identifiers
View...Instructions for using Canto are available from the documentation pages, or via the "Help" link at the top right of every Canto instance
Demo...Try the demo version of Canto: curate GO, phenotypes, interactions and protein modifications
How to Cite Canto
Please cite: Rutherford KM, Harris MA, Lock A, Oliver SG, Wood V.
Canto: An online tool for community literature
curation. Bioinformatics (2014) doi:
10.1093/bioinformatics/btu103 PMID:24574118
Get The Code
Visit...Canto is a free, open source application. The source code is available from Github.
There is documentation for local installation and administration.
Canto is a component of
Canto is developed as part of the PomBase project, which provides a model organism database for the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. PomBase is funded by the Wellcome Trust, run by a consortium comprising the University of Cambridge and University College London, and hosted by the Babraham Institute.